25.2.7 Verbos introductorios

verbo introductorio para afirmaciones 
to say decir
to tell contar
to explain explicar
to remark darse cuenta
verbo introductorio para preguntas  
to ask preguntar
to want to know querer saber
to wonder preguntarse
to inquire preguntar
verbos introductorio para órdenes 
to ask pedir
to tell narrar
to order ordernar
to command ordenar

Discurso directo Discurso indirecto
"I'm doing the dishes. What are your plans for tonight?" He said he was doing the dishes and asked me what my plans were for this night.
"Did you hear the noise in the kitchen? Go and see what it is!" He asked me if I had heard that noise in the kitchen and told me to go and see what it is.

contacto pie de imprenta declaración de privacidad