En algunos casos (casi) no hay diferencia entre el gerund y el infinitivo

Tanto el infinitivo como el gerundio son sustantivos verbales en inglés, pueden por lo tanto tener la función de un objeto o de un sujeto. En los capítulos que siguen vamos a discutir lo que tienen en común y en lo que se distinguen.

Junto con los verbos to attempt (tratar), to begin (comenzar), to bother (molestar), to start (comenzar), to cease (dejar), to continue (continuar), to intend (intentar), to propose (proponer) y cannot bear (no poder soportar) no hay ninguna diferencia entre el gerund y el infinitivo.

He attempted repairing his bike alone. He attempted to repair his bike alone.
He started working for a internet company. It started to rain again.
He began reading the book two weeks ago. He began to understand the matter.
They ceased building the house without finishing it. They ceased to build the house without finishing it.
We continue discussing the matter. We continue to discuss the matter.
She intends studying law. She intends to study law.
You propose writing an article. You propose to write an article.

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