un cambio. La traducción al español debe
hacerse con uno de estos verbos que describen cambios
etc.) o con un verbo específico, que describe
un determinado tipo de cambio.
to become ... |
apparent |
resultar obvio |
It became apparent that we could not help him. |
anxious |
ponerse nervioso |
He became anxious, because she did not call him. |
aware (of) |
enterarse |
We became aware of this problem only yesterday. |
bankrupt |
declararse en quiebra |
They became bankrupt due to the bad management. |
fond (of) |
tener cariño a
alguien |
They became very fond of each other. |
indispensable |
hacerse indispensable |
He worked so hard, he became indispensable. |
liable |
ser responsable |
At the age of 18, people become liable for their action. |
popular |
hacerse popular |
With his music, he became very popular. |
redundant |
sobrar |
I wanted to avoid becoming redundant in the company. |
sober |
desembriagar |
Very slowly, he became sober after a week of drinking. |
successful |
tener éxito |
Thanks to hard work, he finally became successful. |
upset |
ponerse acalorado |
I became upset when I heard the news. |
valid |
ser válido |
The contract became valid last year. |
visible |
ser obvio |
The tree became visible in the fog. |
void |
ser inválido |
With this declaration, the old agreement becomes void. |
worthless |
perder el valor |
The stone became worthless to her. |