Se pone una coma en estos casos

en el discurso directo
She said to me, "Go home and never come back," and then she turned away.
después de las conjunciones of course, however, indeed, therefore, nevertheless, nonetheless, moreover, as a matter of fact, besides, for example, for instance, in fact, on the contrary, on the other hand, though, what is more important
It was cold. Therefore, we wanted to go home.
The teacher, of course, knew the right answer.
para separar un complemento adverbial de la frase si la frase comienza con un complemento adverbial
Before eight, I hardly get home.
para insinuar que se omiten un par de palabras
Your sister is in Mallorca for the weekend, mine, in London. (= My sister is in London)
delante de and y or puede haber una coma, si la enumeración que sigue tiene más de dos elementos.
There is bred, butter, cheese, marmalade, milk(,) and much more on the table.
Would you like to see the green, red, blue, or grey dress?
en fechas delante del año (y después del día)
Today is January 31, 2006.
para separar gerundios y participios del resto de la frase.
Going home very after a very nice evening, she thought about the good things in life.

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