31.4.5 Resumen verbos compuestos

La siguiente tabla contiene una lista, evidentemente no completa, de 520 verbos compuestos.

to account for ser la razón de algo no separable
to accuse of acusar no separable
to adapt oneself to adaptarse intransitivo
to add up añadir separable
to agree on ponerse de acuerdo sobre algo no separable
to agree to consentir no separable
to agree with consentir a alguien no separable
to aim at apuntar a algo no separable
to apologize for disculparse no separable
to appeal to gustar intransitivo
to apply for solicitar no separable
to apply to referirse a no separable
to apply to sb for pedir ayuda a alguien no separable, dos elementos
to approve of aprobar no separable
to ask about preguntar por algo separable
to ask for pedir separable
to attribute to ser la razón de algo separable
to back down retirarse intransitivo
to back out no cumplir una promesa intransitivo
to back out of escurrirse, escapar no separable, dos elementos
to back up apoyar separable
to back up volver intransitivo
to based something on estar fundado en separable
to be in for poder esperar algo no separable, dos elementos
to bear down on ejercer una presión (sobre alguien) no separable, dos elementos
to bear on estar relacionado con no separable
to bear out confirmar separable
to bear up superar algo intransitivo
to bear up under superar algo bajo no separable, dos elementos
to bear with soportar algo no separable
to believe in creer en algo no separable
to benefit from aprovechar de algo no separable
to blame for echar la culpa sobre alguien separable
to blow in aparecer de improvisto intransitivo
to blow over pasar sin causar daño intransitivo
to blow up explotar intransitivo
to boast about chulear intransitivo
to break down analizar separable
to break in on interrumpir no separable, dos elementos
to break into entrar por la fuerza separable
to break into interrumpir no separable
to bring about incitar a algo separable
to bring off realizar separable
to bring on causar separable
to bring out subrayar separable
to bring over llevar separable
to bring to reanimar separable
to bring up criar separable
to brush out cepillar separable
to burn down quemar separable
to burn up quemar separable
to burst into ponerse a (por ejemplo llorar) no separable
to buy out pagar separable
to buy up pagar separable
to call at pasar por algo no separable
to call for exigir no separable
to call in pasar por no separable
to call off rechazar separable
to call up llamar separable
to call up llamar intransitivo
to calm down calmarse separable
to calm down calmarse intransitivo
to came about pasar intransitivo
to care for ocuparse de no separable
to carry on continuar separable
to carry on continuar intransitivo
to carry on with continuar no separable, dos elementos
to carry out realizar separable
to carry over llevar separable
to catch a glimpse/sight of atrapar una mirada separable
to catch on entender intransitivo
to catch up recuperar intransitivo
to catch up with recuperar no separable, dos elementos
to check out dar de baja intransitivo
to check up verificar intransitivo
to check up on verificar no separable, dos elementos
to cheer up alentar separable
to cheer up levantar la moral intransitivo
to chew up machacar separable
to chop up cortar en pedazos separable
to clean off limpiar separable
to clean out limpiar la parte interior de algo separable
to clean up limpiar separable
to clear out limpiar la superficie separable
to clear out partir intransitivo
to clear up limpiar separable
to clear up despejar intransitivo
to close down cerrar (por ejemplo una empresa para siempre) separable
to close down cerrar (por ejemplo una empresa para siempre) intransitivo
to close up cerrar (por ejemplo una empresa por un cierto tiempo) separable
to close up cerrar (por ejemplo una empresa por un cierto tiempo) intransitivo
to come across encontrar por casualidad no separable
to come along hacer progresos intransitivo
to come along with hacer progresos con no separable, dos elementos
to come back volver intransitivo
to come by encontrar por casualidad no separable
to come by visitar alguien en casa intransitivo
to come down with enfermarse no separable, dos elementos
to come out salir intransitivo
to come out with decir algo ( de repente) no separable, dos elementos
to come over pasar intransitivo
to come through pasar por algo intransitivo
to come up with decir algo (de improviso) no separable, dos elementos
to compare with comparar con separable
to complain of quejarse de no separable
to concentrate on concentrarse no separable
to congratulate sb on sth felicitar a alguien por algo separable
to consist of insistir no separable
to contribute to contribuir no separable
to cope with ser capaz de resolver algo no separable
to count in incluir separable
to count on contar con alguien no separable
to count out no incluir separable
to count up contar separable
to cross out tachar separable
to cut down reducir separable
to cut in interrumpir intransitivo
to cut in on interrumpir no separable, dos elementos
to cut off interrumpir separable
to cut out reducir separable
to deal with comerciar no separable
to devote (time) to dedicarse separable
to die away ir extinguiéndose intransitivo
to die down ir extinguiéndose intransitivo
to die of morir de algo no separable
to die off/out morir de algo intransitivo
to differ from distinguirse de no separable
to disagree with caer mal (comida etc.) no separable
to disappove of no estar de acuerdo no separable
to do away with abolir no separable, dos elementos
to do with desear no separable
to do without poderse pasar de algo no separable
to draw up escribir separable
to dress up vestir separable
to dress up vestirse intransitivo
to drive back volver atrás (por ejemplo en coche) intransitivo
to drop in visitar a alguien sin aviso previo intransitivo
to drop in at/on visitar a alguien sin aviso previo no separable, dos elementos
to drop out salir intransitivo
to drop out of salir no separable, dos elementos
to drop over visitar a alguien sin aviso previo intransitivo
to dust out sacar el polvo del interior de una cosa separable
to eat up comer separable
to face up to reconocer no separable, dos elementos
to fall back on recurrir a no separable, dos elementos
to fall behind quedar atrás intransitivo
to fall behind in quedar atrás no separable, dos elementos
to fall in love with enamorarse de no separable, dos elementos
to fall off disminuir intransitivo
to fall out with reñirse con alguien no separable, dos elementos
to fall through caer, suspender (un examen) intransitivo
to fight for luchar por algo no separable
to figure out descubrir separable
to figure up añadir separable
to fill in llenar un formulario separable
to fill in sustituir intransitivo
to fill in for sustituir no separable, dos elementos
to fill out llenar un formulario separable
to fill up llenar un recipiente separable
to find out descubrir separable
to find out aprender intransitivo
to fix up reparar separable
to fly back volver (en avión etc.) intransitivo
to fly over volver a (en avión etc.) intransitivo
to get across hacerse comprender separable
to get ahead avanzar intransitivo
to get ahead of pasar no separable, dos elementos
to get along solucionar intransitivo
to get along with solucionar algo no separable, dos elementos
to get around evitar no separable
to get around pasar intransitivo
to get away escapar intransitivo
to get away with pasar no separable, dos elementos
to get by pasar con poco esfuerzo intransitivo
to get by with pasar con poco esfuerzo no separable, dos elementos
to get down to ir al grano no separable, dos elementos
to get in entrar no separable
to get in entrar intransitivo
to get into (difficulties / trouble) meterse en problemas no separable
to get off salir no separable
to get off salir intransitivo
to get on entrar no separable
to get on entrar intransitivo
to get on with continuar no separable, dos elementos
to get on/along llevarse bien con alguien no separable, dos elementos
to get rid of deshacerse de algo / alguien no separable
to get through acabar intransitivo
to get through with acabar no separable, dos elementos
to get up levantarse intransitivo
to give back devolver separable
to give in to ceder no separable
to give out distribuir separable
to give out rechazar intransitivo
to give up abandonar separable
to give up abandonar intransitivo
to glance at echar un vistazo no separable
to go back retroceder intransitivo
to go back on no cumplir con una promesa no separable, dos elementos
to go for perseguir algo no separable
to go in for estar interesado en no separable, dos elementos
to go into escudriñar no separable
to go off explotar intransitivo
to go on pasar intransitivo
to go on with continuar no separable, dos elementos
to go out apagarse intransitivo
to go over revisar no separable
to go over pasar al otro lado intransitivo
to go with pegar bien con algo no separable
to go without rechazar no separable
to grow up crecer intransitivo
to hand down pasar separable
to hand over pasar la responsabilidad a alguien separable
to hang around matar el tiempo no separable
to hang around matar el tiempo intransitivo
to hang up ahorcar, colgar separable
to hang up ahorcar, colgar intransitivo
to have (an effect/influence) on tener una influencia separable
to have on estar vestido de separable
to have over tener a alguien como huésped separable
to hear from escuchar de no separable
to hear of ecuchar de no separable
to hit on descubrir por casualidad no separable
to hold off retardar separable
to hold on agarrar intransitivo
to hold on to agarrar no separable, dos elementos
to hold out extender separable
to hold out against resistir no separable, dos elementos
to hold out for insistir no separable, dos elementos
to hold up alzar separable
to hunt for proseguir no separable
to insist on insistir no separable
to interfere with meterse en algo no separable
to introduce to imaginarse separable
to judge by juzgar no separable
to keep at mantenerse firme en algo no separable
to keep off evitar no separable
to keep on continuar haciendo algo intransitivo
to keep to aferrarse a algo no separable
to keep up sostener separable
to keep up mantener intransitivo
to keep up with mantenerse al tanto de algo no separable, dos elementos
to laugh at resistir no separable
to laugh off reirse de algo separable
to leave out dejar al lado separable
to let down defraudar separable
to let out dejar salir separable
to let up calmarse intransitivo
to lie down echarse intransitivo
to lie down on escapar, escurrirse no separable, dos elementos
to light up aclarar separable
to listen in to escuchar brevemente no separable, dos elementos
to listen to escuchar no separable
to listen up prestar atención intransitivo
to live down hacer olvidar algo separable
to live on vivir de algo no separable
to live up to estar al tanto de algo no separable, dos elementos
to lock away cerrar separable
to lock in cerrar con llave separable
to lock out meter a la puerta separable
to lock up encarcelar separable
to long for anhelar algo no separable
to look after cuidarse de algo no separable
to look at mirar algo no separable
to look back on mirar hacia atrás con nostalgia no separable, dos elementos
to look down on despreciar a alguien no separable, dos elementos
to look for buscar no separable
to look forward to esperar con ilusión no separable, dos elementos
to look into escudriñar no separable
to look on mirar intransitivo
to look out prestar atención intransitivo
to look out for buscar, atalayar no separable, dos elementos
to look out on tener una vista a no separable, dos elementos
to look round visitar no separable
to look through verificar no separable
to look to contar con algo / alguien no separable
to look up admirar, mirar por arriba separable
to look up to admirar, mirar por arriba no separable, dos elementos
to look upon tomar por algo no separable
to make for hacer la promoción por algo no separable
to make of tomar a alguien por algo separable
to make off escapar intransitivo
to make off with escapar con alguien no separable, dos elementos
to make out entender intransitivo
to make over hacer de nuevo separable
to make up inventar separable
to make up for remendar no separable, dos elementos
to make up to remendar no separable, dos elementos
to make up with reconciliarse no separable, dos elementos
to mix up confundir separable
to move about/around ir por ahí y por allá intransitivo
to move along incitar a alguien a seguir separable
to move along continuar intransitivo
to move away mudarse intransitivo
to move in cobrar intransitivo
to move off partir intransitivo
to move on continuar separable
to move out retirarse separable
to move out divagar intransitivo
to move over poner al lado separable
to move over ponerse al lado intransitivo
to move up subir intransitivo
to object to contradecir no separable
to occur to ocurrir no separable
to owe (something) to (somebody) deber algo a alguien separable
to pan out terminar bien intransitivo
to pass around / round pasar de uno a otro separable
to pass as/for pasar no separable
to pass away adormecerse intransitivo
to pass by pasar no separable
to pass by pasar intransitivo
to pass by pasar por (noticiias, informaciones, acontecimientos) separable
to pass off hacerse pasar por alguien separable
to pass on pasar algo separable
to pass on morir intransitivo
to pass out distribuir separable
to pass out desvanecerse intransitivo
to pass up perder una ocasión separable
to pay back devolver (dinero) separable
to pay for pagar para algo no separable
to pay off saldar separable
to pay out gastar separable
to pay out pagar intransitivo
to pick on fastidiar a alguien no separable
to pick up recoger a alguien separable
to pick up engrandecer intransitivo
to play down reducir separable
to play up subrayar separable
to play up to lisonjear no separable, dos elementos
to point out apuntar separable
to prefer something to something preferir algo a alguien separable
to prevent from impedir algo a alguien separable
to pride oneself on estar orgulloso de separable
to provide with abastecer con separable
to pull apart tirar separable
to pull at tirar no separable
to pull away tirar, quitar intransitivo
to pull back retroceder intransitivo
to pull down tirar por abajo separable
to pull in llegar en coche intransitivo
to pull off sacarse separable
to pull on meterse separable
to pull out partir (por ejemplo en coche) intransitivo
to pull through sobrevivir a duras penas intransitivo
to pull together hacer un esfuerzo separable
to pull up barrarse intransitivo
to push across imponerse separable
to put off remover separable
to put on vestirse separable
to put up guardar comida separable
to put up with tolerar no separable, dos elementos
to quiet down estar callado separable
to read up on descubrir no separable, dos elementos
to refer to referirse a no separable
to rely on contar con no separable
to ride over pasar a intransitivo
to ring up llamar separable
to rinse off fregar separable
to rinse out fregar separable
to rule out eliminar separable
to run about/around ir por ahí y por allá intransitivo
to run across encontrar por casualidad no separable
to run against presentarse a una elección como opositor no separable
to run along irse intransitivo
to run away escaparse intransitivo
to run away with escaparse con alguien no separable, dos elementos
to run down atropellar a alguien (por ejemplo con coche) separable
to run down gastar intransitivo
to run for presentarse a una elección no separable
to run into encontrar por casualidad no separable
to run off imprimir separable
to run off escurrirse intransitivo
to run out of ir acabando no separable, dos elementos
to run over atropellar (por ejemplo con el coche) separable
to run through pasar no separable
to run to sumarse a no separable
to run up reunirse separable
to run up to encontrarse con un problema no separable, dos elementos
to save on ahorrar para algo no separable
to save up ahorrar algo separable
to see about ocuparse de no separable
to see off despedir a alguien separable
to see through realizar algo a pesar de las dificultades que hay separable
to see to ocuparse no separable
to sell out vender separable
to sell out (to be sold out) vender intransitivo
to send back devolver separable
to send down encarcelar separable
to send for pedir no separable
to send in mandar dentro separable
to send off enviar separable
to send off for pedir por escrito no separable
to send over mandar separable
to send up BE: hacer una parodia; AE: encarcerar separable
to set up arrancar separable
to settle on decidir no separable
to settle up pagar intransitivo
to shiver with temblar no separable
to show around / round mostrar algo a alguien separable
to show in llevar adentro separable
to show off presentar separable
to show off chulear intransitivo
to show up ponerse en ridículo separable
to show up aparecer intransitivo
to shut (sb) up hacer callar a alguien separable
to shut away encarcerar separable
to shut down fermar (por ejemplo un negocio) separable
to shut in encarcerar separable
to shut off apagar algo (por ejemplo una máquina) separable
to shut out excluir separable
to shut up callarse intransitivo
to slow up atenuar separable
to slow up atenuar intransitivo
to smell of holer a algo no separable
to specialize in especialisarse en algo no separable
to spell out deletrear separable
to spend (money) on gastar dinero en separable
to stand by estar dispuesto a intransitivo
to stand for presentar algo no separable
to stand out destacarse no separable
to stand up desplazar alguien separable
to stand up alzarse intransitivo
to stand up for apoyarse no separable, dos elementos
to stand up to resistir no separable, dos elementos
to stare at mirar fijamente no separable
to stay over quedarse por la noche intransitivo
to step aside ponerse al lado intransitivo
to stick to sostener (por ejempl opinion) no separable
to stick up for apoyar no separable, dos elementos
to stop from impedir alguien de hacer algo separable
to succeed in tener éxito con no separable
to suffer from padecer de no separable
to sweep out limpiar la parte interior de algo separable
to take advantage of abusar de algo / alguien separable
to take after asemejarse no separable
to take apart separar separable
to take back devolver separable
to take down retroceder separable
to take in llevar dentro separable
to take off despegar intransitivo
to take over asumir separable
to take over tomar el comando intransitivo
to take part in participar no separable, dos elementos
to take sb for sth tomar por algo separable
to take to acostumbrarse a algo no separable
to talk back contradecir intransitivo
to talk back to contradecir no separable, dos elementos
to talk over discutir no separable
to tear down destruir separable
to tear up partir en pedazos separable
to tell apart distinguir separable
to tell off reñir separable
to tell on chivatear no separable
to think of pensar en algo no separable
to think over pensar en algo separable
to think through pensar separable
to think up inventar separable
to throw away echar separable
to throw over rechazar separable
to throw up vomitar intransitivo
to tie up atar separable
to tire out cansarse separable
to touch on mencionar no separable
to touch up reparar separable
to translate into traducir no separable
to try on probar separable
to try out probar separable
to turn against dirigirse contra alguien no separable
to turn around dar la vuelta intransitivo
to turn away rechazar separable
to turn away dar la vuelta intransitivo
to turn down rechazar separable
to turn in acostarse intransitivo
to turn into convertirse en algo no separable
to turn off apagar separable
to turn on encender separable
to turn out apagar separable
to turn out mostrarse intransitivo
to turn sth around dar la vuelta a algo separable
to turn up emergir intransitivo
to wait about / around esperar intransitivo
to wait for esperar algo no separable
to wait on servir no separable
to wait up quedarse despierto intransitivo
to wait up for quedarse despierto por no separable
to wake up despertarse intransitivo
to walk back volver intransitivo
to walk over ir al otro lado intransitivo
to wash off fregar separable
to wash out limpiar el interior de algo separable
to wash out desgastar intransitivo
to watch out ser cuidadoso intransitivo
to watch out for ser cuidadoso por no separable
to wear away gastar intransitivo
to wear down gastar separable
to wear down gastarse intransitivo
to wear off atenuar intransitivo
to wear on prolongarse intransitivo
to wear out agotarse separable
to wear out gastares intransitivo
to wind up terminar separable
to wipe off fregar separable
to wipe out limpiar el interior de algo separable
to work at trabajar algo no separable
to work off desfogarse separable
to work on ocuparse de algo no separable
to work out trabajar separable
to work out tener éxito intransitivo
to work up acalorarse separable
to write down escribir separable
to write out deletrear separable
to write up dejar por escrito separable

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