31.4.4 Verbos transitivos compuestos separables

Los verbos de esta lista pueden ser separados según las reglas descritas en 31.3.3.

Verbos transitivos compuestos  
to add up añadir
to ask about preguntar por algo
to ask for pedir
to attribute to atribuir a
to back up apoyar
to based something on estar fundado en
to bear out confirmar
to blame for echar la culpa sobre alguien
to break down analizar
to break into entrar
to bring about hacer pasar algo
to bring off realizar
to bring on causar
to bring out subrayar
to bring over traer
to bring to reanimar
to bring up criar
to brush out cepillar
to burn down quemar
to burn up quemar
to buy out pagar
to buy up comprar
to call off cancelar
to call up llamar, reclutar
to calm down tranquilizar
to carry on continuar
to carry out realizar
to carry over llevar
to catch a glimpse/sight of atrapar una mirada
to cheer up estimular a alguien
to chew up machacar
to chop up cortar en pedazos
to clean off limpiar
to clean out limpiar por dentro
to clean up limpiar
to clear out limpiar la superficie
to clear up limpiar el interior
to close down cerrar (definitivamente, una empresa etc.)
to close up cerrar (por un cierto tiempo, una empresa etc.)
to compare with comparar con
to congratulate sb on sth felicitar a alguien
to count in incluir
to count out excluir
to count up contar
to cross out tachar
to cut down reducir
to cut off interrumpir
to cut out reducir
to devote (time) to dedicarse a algo
to draw up escribir
to dress up vestir
to dust out limpiar la parte interior
to eat up comer
to figure out entender
to figure up añadir
to fill in llenar un formulario
to fill out llenar un formulario
to fill up llenar un recipiente
to find out descubrir
to fix up reparar
to get across hacerse comprender
to give back devolver
to give out informar
to give up abandonar
to hand down pasar
to hand over pasar la responsabilidad a otra persona
to hang up ahorcar
to have (an effect/influence) on influir en
to have on estar vestido de
to have over tener visita de alguien
to hold off dilatar
to hold out extender
to hold up levantar
to introduce to imaginarse
to keep up sostener
to laugh off reirse de algo
to leave out dejar al lado
to let down defraudar
to let out dejar salir
to light up encender
to live down hacer olvidar algo
to lock away cerrar
to lock in cerrar
to lock up encarcelar
to look up mirar por arriba
to make of estimar a alguien
to make over hacer de nuevo
to make up inventar
to mix up confundir
to move along proseguir
to move in entrar
to move on continuar
to move out salir
to move over poner algo al lado
to owe (something) to (somebody) deber algo a alguien
to pass around / round pasar de una mano a otra
to pass by pasar por
to pass off aparentar
to pass on pasar algo
to pass out distribuir
to pass up perder una ocasión
to pay back devolver
to pay off pagar
to pay out gastar
to pick up recoger
to play down reducir
to play up subrayar
to point out mostrar
to prefer something to something preferir algo / alguien
to prevent from impedir
to pride oneself on estar orgulloso de
to provide with abastecer
to pull apart tirar
to pull down tirar por abajo
to pull off desvestirse
to pull on vestirse
to pull together hacer un esfuerzo
to push across convencer a alguien
to put off desplazar
to put on vestirse
to quiet down estar quieto
to ring up llamar
to rinse off fregar
to rinse out lavar
to rule out excluir
to run down derramar
to run in llegar
to run off imprimir
to run over atropellar
to run up hacer
to save up ahorrar
to see off despedir
to see through realizar algo a todo precio
to sell out vender
to send back devolver
to send down encarcelar
to send in mandar dentro
to send off mandar
to send over mandar
to send up BE: hacer una parodia; AE: poner en la cárcel
to set up organizar
to show around / round mostrar
to show in introducir
to show off presentar
to show up ponerse en ridículo
to shut away encarcelar
to shut down cerrar
to shut in guardar
to shut off apagar
to shut out cerrar la puerta
to shut (sb) up callarse
to slow up desacelerar
to spell out deletrear
to spend (money) on gastar dinero
to stand up levantarse
to stop from impedir a alguien hacer algo
to sweep out limpiar la parte interior de algo
to take advantage of abusar de alguien
to take apart separar
to take back devolver
to take down retroceder, renunciar
to take sb for sth tomar algo por algo
to take in llevar dentro
to take over asumir
to tear down destruir
to tear up desgarrar en pedazos
to tell apart distinguir
to tell off reñir
to think over pensar en algo
to think through pensar
to think up inventar
to throw away echar
to throw over refutar
to tie up atar
to tire out cansarse
to touch up reparar
to try on probar
to try out probar
to turn sth around da la vuelta a algo
to turn away rechazar
to turn down rechazar
to turn off apagar
to turn on encender
to turn out apagar
to wash off fregar
to wash out lavarse
to wear down gastarse
to wear out gastarse
to wind up terminar
to wipe off limpiar
to wipe out limpiar por dentro
to work off desahogarse
to work out trabajar
to work up acalorarse
to write down escribir
to write out deletrear
to write up trabajar un documento

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