El present perfect continuous ya tiene un verbo auxiliar, to have, y este verbo auxiliar se utiliza para la negación.

He has been writing a letter He has not (haven't) been writing a letter
She has been reading an article She has not (haven't) been reading an article
We have been watching TV We have not (haven't) been watching TV
They have been building a house They have not (haven't) been building a house
You have been planning a trip You have not (haven't) been planning a trip

En el caso de que haya un verbo modal, es este verbo modal que hay que negar. No discutimos sobre la relevancia de este tipo de construcciones. Se entiende sin problemas que construcciones de este tipo son un poco "exóticas".

He could not have been doing his homework
No podía estar haciendo sus tareas
She might not have been reading an article in that moment
A lo mejor no estaba leyendo un artículo en ese momento
They did not need to have been watching TV to get the news
No hacía falta que estuviesen mirando la tele para estar enterados.
We should not have been partying all night instead of studying
En vez de ir a la fiesta habría sido mejor estudiar

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